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Diyetisyen Semra ŞEN

Dietitian Ozge Uygun
Trakya University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
Average Success: 3.48/4.00

Healthy Nutrition and Obesity Counseling Unit

Healthy Nutrition and Obesity Counseling Unit (Dietitian)

Nutrition is at the top of a persons needs. We can give up many of our needs, but we cannot give up nutrition. Because without food, life cannot be sustained. However, the most important thing to remember is; that nutrition is not tummy.”

However, you can be healthy by eating right. Wrong nutrition is the cause of disease. The most correct nutrition plan of the person should be determined by a dietitian. Nutritionist; It is an authority on the function of food and nutrition on health. They are reliable sources for health, nutritional advice and nutritional information. Information pollution in our society about nutrition and diet is very common.

When you think of dietitian, you shouldn it think of only weight loss diets, cheese as much as matchboxes.nutritional information from baby to old age you need.

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