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G5 Massage

G5 massage is an application that is applied with a rhythmic massage special device, which provides tightening with fast vibrations and has a cellulite removal effect. G5, which is especially used in cellulite treatment and regional thinning, is also very successful in removing lactic acid and edema accumulated in the muscles and in spasm treatments.

Deep tissue massage with the G5 massage device activates the blood circulation, helps to strengthen the muscles and helps to remove the edema between the tissues.

G5 massage is an extremely effective application in eliminating deformations such as orange peel appearance, regional thickening, relaxation in the legs and skin cracks caused by circulatory disorders, especially cellulite.

In order to have tight and smooth legs and silky skin, the G5 massage is not only a great body care, but also relaxes the legs that carry all the weight of the body all day. In the long run, we can say that it contributes to the healthy and youthful stay of muscle, bone and cartilage tissue.

G5 massage is not a painful application, anesthesia is not applied. The treatment, which starts at lower levels in the first sessions, is applied more and more strongly. The massage, which starts softly at the beginning of the session, is gradually increased considering the skin and tissue sensitivity of the person.

Each session takes an average of 30 minutes. Bruising may occur after the application, but this is a situation we expect and will pass within a few days.

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